El sueño de las Alforjas

We are two friends, Jesu and Nano, or “Las Alforjas” (the saddlebags) as our mothers called us as children because we are inseparable. After sixty years carrying these saddlebags of dreams, on this return journey we have decided to take care of our organic vines as if we were going to live forever, pampering their environment, observing their life cycles, accompanying and protecting them over time.

We travel old roads with new eyes. As in the past, we return to observe the countryside, to feel what happens among the vines, to respect the vital balance that impregnated the bunches of grapes with the aromas of the environment and filled the wines with the flavor of this land.

The cornerstone of our work is an ecosystem in which we, as farmers, are part of a network where the health of the soil, plants, animals and people are totally linked. We want to recover a cycle capable of imitating nature again, allowing the development of plants, favoring their natural defenses, enriching the life of our vineyards and favoring the biodiversity of our environment.

We care for the lives of our vineyards, our wines, and the world our children will inherit.